All venues worldwide are stages for K-Classics.

2023.06.23 08:48:58

- K-products have a dominant presence in various fields.

K-Classic News Won Cho, Kyoung Cho |


All venues worldwide are stages for K-Classics. 


GS, Tak  탁계석 칼럼 - Google 검색


- You stated that K-Classics aims to create globally recognized creative works. Could you provide more details about the creative process?


To begin with, my approach is to foster a strong and keen collaborative environment for a creative process. This involves respectfully engaging with composers to commission works and continuing the extensive discussions about the pieces before embarking on the creative process. Naturally, before that, I will thoroughly explore the diverse range of compositions by the composers. Additionally, as we have a specific direction we are pursuing, we strive to closely align our efforts to elevate the completeness of the works to the highest possible level.


- Many composers have already presented their works on international stages.


While some have experienced the rare phenomenon of continuous performances, asserting that our works have achieved global recognition remains challenging. Although it may seem daunting for our works to be included in the repertoire of world stages and presented in various locations, we are committed to addressing this challenge step by step. 


- You mentioned collaboration and consensus in the creative process are vital for achieving excellence.


Yes, that is correct. While fully respecting the creativity of the composers, it is crucial to consider the perspectives of performers and the audience, as they may provide insights that we have yet to consider. The goal is to ensure that the work becomes a successful product. Our focus is not on pursuing commercial success but on emphasizing the importance of the work's survival and growth. 


- A highly meticulous process is indeed required.


Audience engagement is essential, and it would be fantastic if performers could receive requests for the music for future performances right after the concert. While it may be challenging during the première, we must strive for utmost precision in planning, akin to launching a satellite.


Just as K-pop and BTS have clearly demonstrated their impact on the global stage, it is now our time to achieve similar feats. Our creative environment, frankly speaking, is comparable to the challenges faced in the 3D industry (dirty, dangerous, and difficult). Therefore, I aim to start in places where conditions are more favorable, and passion is evident.


- K-products have a dominant presence in various fields.


This is why I aspire to have the confidence for our works to be showcased on the global stage rather than merely performing them in other countries. Who would have thought that a country that relied on weapons from other nations during the war just 70 years ago would develop a thriving K-Defense industry so successful that it can't make the weapons fast enough to meet the high global demand? We need a long-term perspective, and our generation should leave a significant milestone behind. 


- You mentioned that now is an opportune time for global expansion.


First and foremost, we must establish the startup 'K-Artist Global' and venture into market exploration. By paving the way, we will create a path that allows everyone to embark on the journey comfortably. It is akin to climbing a mountain because the mountain exists, and we approach it with the mindset of an alpinist. 


Won Cho,  Kyoung Cho  조원용 조경화 - Google 검색

Won Cho, Kyoung Cho  기자
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