K-Classic's great new start is to pioneer the global market

  • 등록 2024.10.02 07:25:36

We will be with K Classic Honorary Directors

K-Classic News GS,Tak Chairman|



The establishment of the KClassic category is an important milestone for Korean music to contribute to the history of world music. Now, KClassic has established a foundation for exerting cultural influence beyond a simple music genre. 


 Importance of KClassic

1. Establishment of Identity: KClassic has the potential to provide a unique identity for Korea in the existing classical music market.

2. International Expansion: Following the success of K-Pop, KClassic also provides an opportunity to increase awareness in the global market. This can provide a foundation for Korean artists and performing groups to become known worldwide. 


Future Plans
Promotion and Performance: KClassic will increase awareness through various promotions and concerts. This will be an important way to introduce Korean music to the world after K-Pop and BTS. 

Production of Works**: With the launch of the second period scheduled for 2024, it is important to pay attention to which works KClassic will present on the world stage. In this process, we need to consider how overseas performers will arrange and perform our music.


Expected Effects
Sustainability: If KClassic strengthens its position in the global music market, it will remain as an important record in the history of Korean music. It is essential for KClassic to establish itself as a sustainable and influential brand.

Cultural Dissemination: As we enter the new era of K-content and K-arts, KClassic will provide opportunities to introduce Korean culture to the world through exchanges with various cultures. KClassic will contribute to conquering new areas that have not been explored so far, and as a result, it will play a very important role in opening a new chapter in the history of world music.


10, 25Day, A youth orchestra that will open a new era visits Berlin and performs


KClassic's 100 Honorary Directors 

1.파라과이 Luis Szaran
2. 칠레 Marcos Antonio Figueroa Cortés
3.베네수엘라 Adriany Gomez
4.볼리비아 Ruben Dario Suarez Arana Merado
5.한국 JongWhi Vakh
6. 브라질 Marcos Martins Araujo 
7.아르헨티나 Miguel Atillio Brizuela
8. 러시아 German Kim
9. 브라질 Jean Reis 
10. 이태리 Luigi Borzillo
12. 네덜란드 Josef Suilen
13. 러시아 Tigran Akhnazarian 
14. 러시아 Valey Voronin
15. 멕시코 José Perales
16. 멕시코 Uriel Rodriguez S
17. 스위스 Rainer Held 
18. 스페인 Jesús Echeverria 
19. 스페인 José Escandell Vila
20. 아르헨티나 Marcelo Luis Conca 
21. 포르투갈  Antonio Saiote
22. 포르투갈 Filipe Cunha
23. 프랑스 Eric du Faý
24. 터어키 Orhan Salliel 
25. 미국 Raúl A Munguia 
26. 베네수엘라 Gerardo Estrado
27. 스위스 Emmanuel Siffert
28. 스웨던 Joachim Gustafsson 
29. 그루지아 Giorgi Jordania 
30. 우루과이 Ignacio Pilone
31. 불가리아 Dian Tchobanov
32. 코스타리카 Eddie Mora
33. 미국 Roumena Georgieva
34. 스페인 Alexis Soriano
35. 이태리 Michelangelo Galeati 
36. 브라질 Marcos Arakaki
37. 아르헨티나 Juan Rodriguez 
38. 러시아 Valdimir Onufriev 
39. 한국 YoungHae Kim
40. 칠레 Roger Hernán Santos Faundez
41. 그리스 Charalampos Makris
42. 러시아 Maksim Konarev
43. 브라질 Roberto Tibiriçá
44. 스페인 Francisco José Rosal Nadales 
45. 콜롬비아 Andrés Martinez Becerra
46. 보스니아 Fuad Setić
47. 벨기에 Eric Lederhandler
48. 포르투갈 Lourenço Cruz 
49. 아르헨티나 Rodrigo Javier Gonzales Jacob
50. 스페인 José Miguel Laskrain

51. 스페인 José Manuel Gracia Pozuela 
52. 스페인 Manuel Godoy
53. 포르투갈 João Raquel
54. 우크라이나 Yuri Serdyuk
55. 미국 Scott Woodard
56. 러시아 Petr Gladysh
57. 아르헨티나 Walter Ale
58. 볼리비아 Andrés Guzmán Valdez
59. 스페인 Luis Longoria Veguellina de Orbigo
60. 네덜란드 Mikhail Zemtsov

61. 러시아 Arkady Leytush
62. 아일랜드 Vincente John Kennedy
63. 스페인 Jesús Cantos Plaza
64. 스페인 Enric Parreño Moratalla
65. 브라질 Israel Menezes
66. 이태리 Cosimo Petrelli
67. 노르웨이 Ragner Rasmussen
68. 베네수엘라 Miguel Pineda Zaccara
69. 스페인 José Caballé Domenech
70. 스페인 José Francisco
71. 스페인 Félix Ardanaz
72. 스페인 Isidro Alemán Sanchis
73. 포르투갈 Alexandre Fraguito
74. 멕시코 Beatriz Aguirre
75. 멕시코 Miguel Ángel Alatorre Alvarez
76. 브라질 Bruno Bastos do Nascimento
77. 아르헨티나 Jorge Walter Lhez
78. 이태리 Marco Buccolo
79. 이집트 Mohamed Elfakahany
80. 콜롬비아 Germán Paredes Avella
81. 독일 Kevin Suetterlin
82. 레바인 Andre Hajj
83. 베네수엘라 Joshua Dos Santos
84. 아르헨티나 Sergio Juarez
85. 한국 SungYong Chung
86. 쿠바 Sandra Cepero
87. 브라질 Joáo Batista Sartor
88. 미국 Hector Guzman
89. 스위스 Mathias Elmer
90.아르헨티나 Emilio Rocholl

91. 에콰도르 William Vergara
92. 쿠바 Ariadna Benitez
93. 한국 JungEun Chio
94. 한국 ChangDong Lim
95. 이태리 Ottavio Terreni
96. 한국 YoungZun Kim
97. 그루지아 Vakhtang Gabidzashvill
98. 에콰도르 Patricio Jaramillo 
99. 브라질 Altamiro Bernardes
100. 멕시코 Emiliany Merdoza
101. 일본 Kenichi Sato
102. 시리아 Missak Baghboudarian 
103. 에콰도르 Augusto Carrion 
104. 멕시코Patricio mendez Garrido 
105. 베네수엘라 Nuery Vivas 
106. 아르헨티나 Jorge Bulacia Soler



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